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Tim Brazil

Tim Brazil BVSc PhD Cert EM (Internal Medicine) DECEIM MRCVS

Since graduating from Liverpool University, Tim has worked exclusively with large animals, mostly horses. He has taught, provided clinical service, and carried out research at several University teaching hospitals but for most of his career he has worked in private equine first opinion and referral practice, based in the Cotswolds, and remains on a first opinion out of hours rota! He holds a RCVS Certificate and a European Diploma in Equine Internal Medicine and a PhD from Edinburgh University for studies on lung inflammation in the horse and became a European & RCVS-recognised Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine in 2005. He has contributed to training, continuing education and examinations for both veterinary students and practitioners. For 10 years he was a consultant to The Brooke, working to develop and implement a clinical audit programme worldwide. He was appointed as an equine Claims Consultant for The Veterinary Defence Society in 2018.

Tim Brazil
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