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Paul Eldridge

Paul Eldridge MA MB BChir MChir FRCS (Eng)  

Professor Eldridge is a retired consultant neurosurgeon, from Liverpool University and the Walton Centre NHS trust. He trained at Pembroke College, Cambridge and St Thomas Hospital, London 1981; in general surgery then neurosurgery at Southampton, Portsmouth, Cardiff, Nottingham in Liverpool leading to appointment as a consultant in 1993. He was Secretary to the Society of British Neurological Surgeons, editor of British Journal of Neurosurgery, and contributed to the commissioning policy for NHS, NICE, MHRA, Pain Society. He was Consultant at the Walton Centre 1993-2019. In addition to his clinical workload (including divisional director), he published many papers from 1983 onwards, contributed to books and book chapters, presented at meetings, and was an invited speaker in the UK and abroad.   

He introduced image guided surgical techniques (MRI structural and functional), with intraoperative neurophysiology, and reintroduced awake craniotomies to localise brain function; applications were tumour and neurovascular surgery. Robotics in neurosurgery were pioneered for epilepsy and movement disorders.   

A major interest was facial pain, in particular trigeminal neuralgia. This and publications on trigeminal neuralgia (MRI imaging and neurophysiology) led to collaboration with Prof Knottenbelt and the team at Leahurst regarding “headshaking”. 

Paul Eldridge
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