Catriona Mackenzie
Catriona Mackenzie BVMS, MSc, CertAVP(EM), DipECEIM, MRCVSÂ
Cat graduated from the University of Glasgow Veterinary School in 2006. Following a short spell in mixed practice, she moved to Kentucky where she undertook an Internal Medicine Fellowship at Hagyard Equine Medical Institute. On returning to the UK, Cat joined Rossdales Equine Hospital to undertake an internship. She then remained at Rossdales and joined the stud team where she worked for three years, completing a stud season in the Southern Hemisphere during this time. Following this Cat went to the University of Liverpool to complete a 3-year residency in Equine Internal Medicine, before rejoining Rossdales Equine Hospital as a member the medicine team in March 2017. Her interests include neonatology, gastroenterology, and intensive care patients.Â