Brenda Hoogelander
Brenda Hoogelander Certified ISELP EGAS FES NVVGP DVMÂ
Brenda is an enthusiastic equine veterinarian with a passion for Sports Medicine and a primary focus on Orthopaedics and Diagnostic Imaging. She is a dedicated member of the SMDC (Sporthorse Medical Diagnostic Centre – Heesch, The Netherlands) / Altano team. She is determined to provide her patients with the best veterinary care, her clients with an excellent experience, her team members with an inspiring working environment and all Altano colleagues with up-to-date education. She works with (elite) sports horses on a daily basis. She proudly represented the Netherlands as Team Veterinarian or provided Diagnostic Imaging Services during the London, Rio and Tokyo Games as well as the Asian Games, Jumping Amsterdam and CHIO Aachen. She is an ISELP and FES instructor and examiner. She can be found wandering the world and climbing mountains when not present in Heesch. Â