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2025 Programme

  • 6:30am - 7:30am RunBEVA
    Get ready for the day with an early morning run, walk, or jog around Birmingham.
  • 8:40am - 10:15am Newshour: The Year in Review
    Hall 1 Chair: Rose Tallon 8:45am Surgery Speaker: TBC 9:05am Dentistry Richard Reardon 9:25am Medicine Pam Wilkins 9:45am Sports medicine and orthopaedics Andy Bathe
  • 8:15am - 10:05am Ophthalmology 1
    Hall 5 Chair: Maria Christine Fischer 8:15am Ocular tumours Francesca De Oliveira 8:35am Diagnosis of unusual causes of corneal ulceration Speaker: tbc 8:55am Ocular antimicrobial resistance and therapy Fernando Malalana 9:15am Prepurchase examination: Recognising red flags Claudia Hartley 9:35am Recent advances in ocular surgery: What's available and patient selection? Francesca De Oliveira 9:55am Discussion
  • 8:30am - 10:00am Reproduction: The Mare
    Hall 9 Chair: John Spencer 8:30am Post breeding endometritis: An international perspective on treatment and antibiotic use Tom Stout 8:50am Post breeding treatments: What works and what's necessary? James Crabtree 9.10am Uterine lavage: What's the solution? Speaker: tbc 9:30am Conditions of the late pregnancy: What can we really treat and how? Camilla Scott 9:50am Discussion
  • 8:30am - 10:10am The Juvenile Thoroughbred
    Hall 10 Chair: Nicola Lynch 8:30am Orthopaedic infection: Should we rush to flush? Abigail Kent 8:40am Angular limb deformities - assessment, management, reassessment Warren Schofield 9:00am Prognosis for profitable sale following management of flexural limb deformities Filipe De Oliveira 9:20am The significance of radiographically identified lesions in Thoroughbred yearlings Ian Wright 9:40am How to approach and manage upper airway problems in Thoroughbred yearlings Ian Fulton 10:00am Discussion
  • 8:30am - 10:10am Clinical Research
    Hall 8B Chair: tbc
  • 10:50am - 12:30pm John Hickman Plenary Lecture
    Hall 1 10:50am Opening Address Bruce Bladon, BEVA President 11:20am John Hickman Plenary Lecture - Title: tbc Speaker: tbc 12:00pm AGM 12:10pm Awards
  • 1:40pm-3:10pm Fractures
    Hall 1 Chair: John Marshall 1:40pm Medial condylar fractures William Barker 2:00pm There is a fracture - I must fix it - right? Conservative management of fractures Henry O'Neill 2:20pm Catastrophic fetlock injuries - where are we now? Fabrice Rossignol 2:40pm Managing owner expectation following fracture repair Christoph Licher 3:00pm Discussion
  • 1:30pm-3:20pm Current Affairs
    Hall 5 Chair: Mark Tabachnik 1:30pm No partnership? No future? No hope? Do it yourself: How to start a veterinary business Wendy Furness 1:50pm The BHA and horse racing's social license Speaker: tbc 2:10pm Right-touch regulation of equine veterinary professionals (what does under care mean for me?) Linda Belton 2:30pm What does the CMA mean for equine vets? Malcolm Morley 2:50pm Control drug use in equine practice Andy McDiarmid 3:10pm Discussion
  • 1:30pm-3:10pm Reproduction: The Stallion
    Hall 9 Chair: James Crabtree 1:30pm Semen diagnosis: What's possible beyond motility? Tom Stout 1:50pm Ejaculatory dysfunction - a multidisciplinary approach John Spencer 2:10pm Tips and tricks to collect the reluctant stallion Tullis Matson 2:30pm Chemical ejaculation: A viable option? Simon Stampfli 2:40pm Semen processing - where are we now and what's the future? Tom Stout 3:00pm Discussion
  • 1:40pm-3:10pm General Medicine
    Hall 10 Chair: tbc 1:40pm The mystery of the feverish horse: Investigation and treatment of PUO - are antibiotics the answer? Bettina Dunkel 2:10pm Recognising and managing urinary system issues: A focus on kidney disease Vicky Savage 2:30pm Atypical myopathy: How to diagnose it? Does treatment help? Edward Knowles 2:50pm Equine grass sickness: case closed? Bruce McGorum 3:10pm Discussion
  • 1:30pm - 3:30pm Clinical Research
    Chair: tbc
  • 3:40pm-5:30pm Imaging equipment
    Chair: Elisabetta Giorio 3:40pm Getting the most out of my equipment and skills using my x-ray machine Ceri Sherlock 4:00pm Getting the most out of my equipment and skills using my ultrasound machine Giorgio Ricardi 4:20pm Is nuclear scintigraphy a dying modality? Kurt Selburg 4:40pm Which CT machine is best for my caseload? Kathryn Wulster Bills 5:00pm Why MRI is better than all these other imaging modalities Annamaria Nagy 5:20pm Discussion
  • 3:40pm-5:20pm Ophthalmology 2
    Chair: Francesca De Oliveira 3:40pm Intraocular gentamicin: Treatment of choice for uveitis? Maria Christine Fischer 4:05pm Approach to the blue eye with a focus on glaucoma Fernando Malalana 4:30pm Immune mediated keratitis: Disease recognition and treatment Maria Christine Fischer 4:55pm Managing ocular trauma: Best practices for immediate care Claudia Hartley 5:20pm Discussion
  • 3:50pm-5:30pm Reproduction: Advanced techniques
    Hall 9 Chair: Monica Morganti 3:50pm Advanced reproductive techniques: which mare is suitable for which procedure Simon Stampfli 4:05pm Do the results of advanced reproductive techniques justify the process? Tom Stout 4:20pm Recipient mare: An integral part of the process - their affect on outcome and appropriate selection Rebecca Keating 4:35pm Epidural anaesthesia techniques for OPU Teresa Leao 4:50pm Panel: Advanced reproductive techniques - progress or ethical dilemma? James Crabtree, Monica Morganti, Tom Stout, Rebecca Keating, Simon Stampfli & Tullis Matson
  • 4:00pm - 5:30pm Rest and rehabilitation: The first 12 weeks
    Chair: tbc 4:00pm Re-introduction of exercise after a prolonged period of rest Jodie Daglish 4:20pm Rehabilitation after proximal suspensory ligament injury Nicole Jones 4:40pm Rehabilitation and management of horses following a diagnosis of navicular syndrome Brenda Hoogelander 5:00pm Rehabilitation and management of horses following stifle injury and surgery Jodie Daglish 5:20pm Discussion
  • 4:00pm-5:30pm Clinical Research
    Chair: tbc
  • 5:30pm - 7pm Happy Hour
    After a full day of lectures, our exhibitors invite you for a glass of wine (or beer) into the exhibition hall. Join them, find out about the latest products and services available and catch up with colleagues.
  • 6:30am RunBEVA
    Get ready for the day with an early morning run, walk, or jog around Birmingham.
  • 8:30am - 10:20am Case-based foot imaging conundrums
    Hall 1 Chair: Kurt Selburg 8:30am Should we radiograph one foot, both feet or no feet? Giorgio Ricardi 8:50am Foot MRI with no abnormalities: What's next? Annamaria Nagy 9:10am Navicular bone oedema: When should we repeat the scan? Elisabetta Giorio 9:30am PET imaging conundrums Kathryn Wulster Bills 9:50am Has MRI taught us anything about interpretation of prepurchase radiographs? Ceri Sherlock 10:10am Discussion
  • 8:40am - 10:10am Foal Medicine
    Chair: Vicky Savage Hall 5 8:40am Antimicrobials use, what's the evidence.... (septic) neonates Bettina Dunkel 9:00am When referral isn't an option: Can you manage a sick foal in the field? Adam Redpath 9:20am Neonate acute kidney injury: Key indicators and optimal treatment Rachel Gough 9:40am Meconium impaction: An update Pam Wilkins 10:00am Discussion
  • 8:30am - 10:00am Dermatology
    Chair: Edward Knowles Hall 9 8:30am Equine allergies: Triggers and treatment Emily Floyd 8:50am Topical and systemic treatment of skin infections and cellulitis Richard Coppack 9:10am Sustainable management of ectoparasites Callum Haseler 9:30am The swollen sheath Philip Ivens 9:50am Discussion
  • 8:40am - 10:10: Progressive equine nursing
    Chair: Marie Rippingale Hall 10 8:40am Sustainable nurse champions Louise Pailor 9:00am Orthopaedic nursing Roger Smith 9:20am Gastroscopy David Rendle 9:40am Discussion All speakers
  • 8:40am - 10:00am Introduction to Equine Dentistry
    Chair: Sam Hole Hall 8B 8:30am Getting started in equine dentistry - what, when, why and how Speaker: tbc 8:50am An overview of further qualifications in equine dentistry Neil Townsend 9:10am Bridles and bits - what do we know and what are we guessing? Rachel Murray 9:30am How to be a dental detective Victoria Nicholls 9:50am Discussion Sponsored by:
  • 10:20am - 12:30pm Antimicrobial stewardship
    Chair: David Rendle Hall 1 10:50am Human AMR perspective and stewardship insights Speaker: tbc 11:15am Clinical action: Guidelines, surveillance and benchmarking April Lawson 11:35am How to make the most of cultures and susceptibility testing? Scott Weese 11:55am Unique challenges and barriers in the competition and racing industry Speaker: tbc 12:10pm Driving change Tim Mair 12:30pm Discussion
  • 10:50am - 12:40pm The Abdomen
    Chair: Bettina Dunkel Hall 5 10:50am Weight loss: Are we missing key diagnoses? Imogen Johns 11:15am The drugs don't work: Navigating refractory gastric ulceration Mark Bowen 11:40am Detecting red flags in the acute abdomen Kate McGovern 12:05am Beyond the individual: Herd testing and environmental factors in liver disease Victoria South 12:30pm Discussion
  • 10:40am - 12:30pm A pain in the back
    Chair: Andrew Bathe Hall 9 10:40am How to confidently diagnose back pain Christoph Lischer 11:00am CT examination of the caudal spine and pelvis - what does it change in the treatment of horses with back/sacroiliac pain? Nadine Odgen 11:20am Medical treatment and rehabilitation of horses with a confirmed diagnosis of back pain Brenda Hoogelander 11:40am Surgical management of horses with back pain - how to choose the right case and surgical technique Andrew Fiske-Jackson 12:00pm Panel discussion - Surgical treatment of back cases Speakers: tbc
  • 10:50am - 12:20pm The progressive nurse workshop
    Hall 10 Chair: Rebecca Bruford 10:50am Diagnostics Jane Devaney & Rebecca Bruford Consulting skills Cassie Woods & Louise Pailor Medicine Rosina Lilywhite & Speakers tbc Foals Marie Rippingale & Alice Robinson 12:10pm Discussion
  • 10:30am - 12:30pm Clinical Research
    Chair: tbc Hall 8B
  • 1:40pm - 3:00pm Peter Rossdale Clinical Evidence Lecture
    Hall 1 2:00pm Peter Rossdale Clinical Evidence Lecture Scott Weese
  • 1:40pm - 3:00pm Nursing Practicals
    Demo Area 1:40pm Orthopaedic scrub nurse Speakers: tbc Equinelab biologics Speakers: tbc Foals Alice Robinson & Speaker: tbc Suturing Speakers: tbc
  • 3:30pm - 5:00pm Moral Maze: Horses in sport - Benefit or detriment?
    Chair: tbc Hall 1 3:30pm Horses in sport - benefit or detriment? Panellists: Mark Bowen & Ebony Escalona Witnesses: Madeleine Campbell (Ethics), Roly Owers (Welfare/public attitudes), Ian Beamish (Racinh) & Speaker: tbc
  • 3:30pm - 5:10pm President's Choice: Excellence in Surgery
    Chair: Bruce Bladon Hall 5 3:30pm Evolution and pitfalls of standing upper airway surgery Fabrice Rossignol 3:50pm Relaparotomy: Easier to do it right the first time? David Freeman 4:10pm Airway reinnervation from beginning to present day Ian Fulton 4:30pm Neurectomy, modern surgery or medieval relic Andy Bathe 4:50pm Discussion
  • 3:30pm - 5:00pm Decision Making in Dentistry
    Chair: Victoria Nicholls Hall 9 3:30pm Decision making in equine endodontics Tim Barnett 3:50pm Extraction techniques choices and considerations Neil Townsend 4:10pm Wolf teeth and deciduous caps Sam Hole 4:30pm Surgical options for diastemata Nicole du Toit 4:50pm Discussion Sponsored by:
  • 3:30pm - 5:10pm Postoperative Ambulatory Nursing
    Chair: Jane Devaney Hall 3A 3:30pm BEVA Nurse Committee update Marie Rippingale 3:40pm It doesn't stop at discharge Cassie Woods 4:15pm Rehabilitation of the equine orthopaedic patient Kayleigh Warren 4:50pm Discussion
  • 3:40pm - 5:05pm Clinical Research
    Chair: tbc Hall 8B
  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm Happy Hour
    After a full day of lectures, our exhibitors invite you for a glass of wine (or beer) into the exhibition hall. ​ Join them, find out about the latest products and services available and catch up with colleagues.
  • 7:30pm - Late Annual Dinner & Dance
    We hope you can join us for our Annual Dinner & Dance on Friday evening where Bruce Bladon will hand the BEVA Presidency over to Imogen Burrows. ​ Annual Dinner & Dance tickets receive a delicious three-course dinner followed by live music and dancing (stage-dive at your own risk).
  • 9:00am - 10:25am How To: Common Techniques In Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery
    Chair: Nicole Jones Hall 1 9:00am How to use positive approaches when performing nerve blocks to benefit horse and vet Gemma Pearson 9:15am How to perform medication of the sacroiliac region Sam Offord 9:30am How to take good cervical radiographs Ceri Sherlock 9:45am How to assess foot balance Kurt Selburg 10:00am How to apply a 3D printed plastic hospital plate to a horse's foot Ian Gajczak 10:15am Discussion
  • 9:00am - 10:35am Cardiology
    Chair: Celia Marr Hall 5 9:00am Murmurs in ridden horses: Diagnosis and risk assessment Sarah Smith 9:20am How to get a good quality ECG - can I just use my phone? Rachel Jago 9:40am AF: Case selection and treatment Lesley Young 10:00am Approach to the collapsing horse John Keen 10:20am Discussion
  • 9:15am - 10:25am Dentistry: Sinus Disease
    Chair: Mark Tabachnik Hall 9 9:15am Sinus anatomy refresher Amelia Sidwell 9:35am Sinus disease diagnostics Sam Hole 9:55am Surgical treatment of sinus disorders Tim Barnett 10:15am Discussion
  • 9:15am - 10:25am Parasitology
    Chair: April Lawson Hall 10 9:15am The worms have turned: Using human behaviour science to turn parasite management back around Tamzin Furtado 9:30am Control, diagnosis and treatment of cyathostomes Tim Mair 9:45am Ascarid in young horses: Strategies for effective management Jane Hodgkinson 10:00am Parasite control, current consensus and controversies: Are we all on the same page? David Rendle 10:15am Discussion
  • 9:00am - 10:25am Clinical Research
    Chair: tbc Hall 8B
  • 11:00am - 12:25pm Social Licence: Injury Prevention
    Chair: Simon Woods Hall 1 11:00am Using connected technology in the field to gain insight into how horses respond to work and how to support their performances Emmanuelle van Erck 11:20am Adaptive training to prevent musculoskeletal injury Speaker: tbc 11:40am Objective gait analysis with instrumented hoof boots: What is possible? Florian Geburek 12:00pm The ethics of airway surgery in today's society Henry Tremaine 12:20pm Discussion
  • 11:00am - 12:30pm Endocrinology
    Chair: David Rendle Hall 5 11:00am Do all ponies have EMS? Who should we test and how should we test? Victoria South 11:20am Promoting sustainable behaviour change for obesity Tamzin Furtado 11:35am On track? Are track systems useful for managing fat ponies? Roxanne Kirton 11:50pm Management of hyperinsulinaemia Edward Knowles 12:05pm Donkey metabolic syndrome: Is it different? Rebecca Sullivan 12:20pm Discussion
  • 10:55am - 12:25pm Basics of Subjective Lameness Examination 1
    Chair: Rachel Tucker Hall 9 10:55am Hindlimb lameness - what should we be looking at? Sandra Starke 11:15am Looking at lungeing: Bilateral lameness or a normal horse? Giorgio Ricardi 11:35am A good physical exam - what can we learn from flexion and manipulation? Roger Smith 11:55am How to avoid common errors in lameness evaluation Andy Bathe 12:15pm Discussion
  • 10:55am - 12:20pm Workshop: Making your Veterinary Career Work
    Chair: Mark Tabachnik Speakers: Rosie Allister & Carolyne Crowe Hall 10
  • 11:00am - 12:50pm Perioperative Management
    Chair: John Marshall Hall 8B 11:00am Perioperative feeding of the surgical patient David Freeman 11:20am Perioperative use of antibiotics: Do we have a consensus? Bruce Bladon 11:40am Reducing surgical waste Tim Mair 12:00pm Discussion panel: CEPEF4 perioperative morbidities Kate Loomes & Speaker: tbc
  • 1:20pm - 3:00pm Imaging: What Features Can Dictate Prognosis?
    Chair: Sarah Taylor Hall 1 1:20pm Management and follow-up of deep digital flexor tendon injuries Elisabetta Giorio 1:35pm Are collateral ligament injuries always made up? Ceri Sherlock 1:50pm What ultrasound and MRI features are concerning in the proximal suspensory ligament? Roger Smith 2:10pm What MRI and or CT features are concerning for sagittal groove disease? Annamaria Nagy 2:30pm Palmar osteochondral disease: Which ones can keep going? Alexandra Davis 2:50pm Discussion
  • 1:30pm - 2:55pm Infectious Disease
    Chair: Celia Marr Hall 5 1:30pm But it's only flu, so why should we contribute to surveillance? Fleur Whitlock 1:45pm Strangles vaccine and new diagnostics Philip Ivens 2:00pm Vaccine hesitancy Shona Bloodworth 2:15pm Point-of-care testing for infectious diseases Richard Newton 2:30pm Infectious threats on the horizon: Preparing for emerging equine diseases with a focus on West Nile virus Joanne De Klerk 2:45pm Discussion
  • 1:20pm - 3:00pm Basics of Subjective Lameness Examination 2
    Chair: tbc Hall 1C 1:20pm Compensatory lameness - what's the clinical impact of the 'rule of sides'? John Marshall 1:40pm The unblockable forelimb lameness Rachel Tucker 2:00pm The ridden exam - not to be missed or a waste of time? Brenda Hoogelander 2:20pm Distinguishing between hock and proximal suspensory pain Andy Bathe 2:40pm Discussion
  • 1:30pm - 3:00pm Navigating the Quirks: Building Cohesive Teams with Unique Individuals
    Chair: tbc Hall 10
  • 1:45pm - 3:10pm Clinical Research
    Chair: tbc Hall 8B
  • 3:30pm - 5:00pm Working Together To Keep The Competition Horse Sound
    Chair: Lucy Grieve Hall 1 3:30pm Multi-limb lameness: A common challenge requiring a team approach Ben Benson, Sam Cutts, Annabelle Galt 4:50pm Discussion
  • 3:30pm - 5:00pm Predicting The Future
    Chair: Edward Knowles Hall 5 3:30pm Mystic muck: What can the intestinal microbiome tell us? Chris Proudman 3:50pm In the genes: Genetic based predication for improved horse health and performance management Emmeline Hill 4:10pm Fortune telling for neonates: Is it worth treating this foal? Pam Wilkins 4:30pm The future of artificial intelligence: Clinical practice, research and beyond Liz Barton 4:50pm Discussion
  • 3:30pm - 5:00pm Urogenital Surgery
    Chair: Andrew Fiske-Jackson Hall 9 3:30pm Castration techniques to minimise complications Ian Fulton 3:50pm Approaches to the cryptorchid testicle and investigation of the 'unknown' castrate Henry O'Neill 4:10pm En bloc phallectomy: Is there any point in a partial phallectomy? John Marshall 4:30pm Caesarian section: Decision making and tips for success Richard Payne 4:50pm Discussion
  • 3:30pm - 5:00pm Pain
    Chair: tbc Hall 10 3:30pm Pain scoring: Consensus for improved care Speaker: tbc 3:50pm Sad, mad or bad - managing emotion, pain and behaviour Gemma Pearson 4:10pm Navigating chronic pain: Identification and treatment Alison Bennell 4:30pm Post operative analgesia: How to manage severe lameness Speaker: tbc 4:50pm Discussion
  • 3:30pm - 5:00pm Clinical Research
    Chair: tbc Hall 8B
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