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Clinical Research 

The aim of BEVA’s Clinical Research Abstract sessions is to provide opportunities for clinicians and researchers to present high-quality reports and research focused on equids that lead to improved clinical practice.


Submissions for 2025 are now closed 

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Present your research at BEVA Congress 2025

The Scientific Programme Committee of the 2025 BEVA Congress invites authors to submit scientific abstracts for inclusion in the Clinical Research Sessions at Congress.


Abstract are no longer being accepted for BEVA Congress.

Why submit to BEVA Congress 2025? 

Submitting an abstract to BEVA Congress will give you the opportunity to present your work at the largest equine veterinary conference outside the USA and be considered for publication in Equine Veterinary Journal. 


Both Clinical Research Abstracts and Clinical Descriptive Abstracts are eligible for a range of awards for the most informative pieces of work. Details collected with submissions will inform eligibility for specific prize categories. 


If selected to present your abstract at BEVA Congress you will receive free registration for the day of your presentation and discounted rates for any additional days you wish to attend.

The submission process

Submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed, and those authors whose abstracts are accepted will be invited to present their abstract at BEVA Congress as a short oral presentation. 


​To facilitate blinded peer review, you are required to submit two copies: 

1. Copy for peer review: remove author names and addresses and delete all identifying details. Where appropriate replace with words "details masked for peer review" in the main body of the abstract.

2. Unblinded copy for production: this must include the authors' names and addresses after the abstract title and the ethical declarations described above at the end of the abstract. Underline the name of the person who will present at BEVA Congress. 


Please download and read the full guidelines before submitting your abstract.

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